Once upon a time, there were three boys who were close friends.
Every evening after school, they go through a common lane to their houses.
One day, while they entered the lane, they saw 8 dogs there, all huge and of the stray kind.
The first boy decided to run forward and did so by continuously screaming at the top of his voice. Though he made it to the other end, he was struck by the sheer intensity of the situation.
The second boy advanced a few steps and then decided to go back the way he came to find another route. He was so scared.
The third boy kept walking. Though the dogs started barking at him, he just kept walking. After a few minutes, the dogs stopped barking as they were out of breath.
Wonder how the 3rd boy did it?
He was deaf.
Sometimes, we need to be deaf around the negative people around us, and around the people who mock, bully or find faults in us.
That way, life will be so much more peaceful. 😁