Is Green Color Good for the Eyes?

Green Color Good for Eyes

Why is Green Good for Our Eyes?

To what do we associate the color Green? Vegetation, moss, nature, environment-related symbols, and of course the leaves. Ever tried waking up early in the morning and getting to the balcony to watch the trees and plants near you? You feel the instant freshness and your mood shifts upward. Ever wondered why? Well, keep reading to find out why the green color is good for us humans and especially learn how green helps our eyes.

Visible Spectrum Eyes

The Visible Spectrum of Light

We are all aware of the spectrum of colors our eyes can perceive. Commonly called the Rainbow Spectrum, it consists of the colors that we can see in a rainbow – Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, and Red (VIBYOR). The cornerstone to why green color is good for our eyes lies in this information.

Visible Spectrum Wavelength Eyes

You see, the color green comes right in between blue and red. The whole visible spectrum ranges from wavelengths 400nm to 700nm (Nanometer). The color green comes close to the midpoint of this spectrum. Logic suggests that our eyes, which can perceive this visual spectrum of colors, get hold of green color quite easily as it comes right at the middle. This is where the perception is the best. This is also why scientifically, the blue and red waves are enhanced and better perceived using green waves.

This is majorly why our eyes don’t strain when we see green color. We don’t feel any stress, irritation, anger, and none of the negative emotions. Some people enter into a state of bliss and calmness. This is because our eyes are extremely relaxed and comfortable.

[Additional Read: Top 3 Reasons Why You Should Not Worry About Negative Thoughts]

Can Green Color Enhance Our Eyesight?

Though it is not entirely proven based on science, mathematics suggests that the color green could provide our eyes with extreme comfort. This in turn helps them relax. These could snowball to the optic nerves and the whole nervous system. The color green has a wavelength of around 550nm, which is close to the midpoint of the wavelengths of red and blue. This is why the color green helps enhance the waves across the whole spectrum, leading to the easier perception of the color to our eyes.

Green Healthy for Eyes

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SBS Dayaabaran, best content writer in India

SBS Dayaabaran

Writer & Designer - HominidLyf

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